Compact Chart:
Anna Reindl

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Johann Riedl
Michael Heigl
Compact Chart: I14019Compact Chart: I14022
Thomas Reindl
Compact Chart: I14016 Johann Reindl
Compact Chart: I14017 Sabina Heigl
Compact Chart: I13258Compact Chart: I14024
Katharina N.N.
Michael Reindl
1681-1744 ‎(63)‎
Compact Chart: I13262 Anna Reindl
Compact Chart: I14037
Eva Ertl
1684-1734 ‎(50)‎
 Compact Chart: I13259
Georg Pentenrieder
Michael Neumayr
Compact Chart: I14027Compact Chart: I14033
Compact Chart: I14026 Barbara Pentenrieder
Compact Chart: I14025 Katharina Neumayr
Compact Chart: I14028

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