Compact Chart:
Ulrich Göttner

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Sigmund Hörl
1520-1591 ‎(71)‎
Compact Chart: I11298
Hans Schwaiger
Compact Chart: I11308 Georg Schwaiger
1585-1646 ‎(61)‎
Compact Chart: I11307 Barbara Hörl
Compact Chart: I11261
Wolf Göttner
Compact Chart: I11265 Ulrich Göttner
Compact Chart: I11264
Ursula Schwaiger
 Compact Chart: I11260
Wolf Hörrand
Compact Chart: I7619
Simon Hörrand
1570-1643 ‎(73)‎
Compact Chart: I7585 Elisabeth Heigl
1600-1667 ‎(67)‎
Compact Chart: I7597 Elisabeth N.N.

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