Compact Chart:
Caspar Ha‎(h)‎n

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Hans Han
Compact Chart: I6839 Jerg Ha‎(h)‎n
Compact Chart: I6841 Barbara N.N.
Compact Chart: I6836
Jörg Ha‎(h)‎n
1530-1575 ‎(45)‎
Compact Chart: I6818 Caspar Ha‎(h)‎n
1561-1618 ‎(57)‎
Compact Chart: I6819
Barbara N.N.
1530-1610 ‎(80)‎
 Compact Chart: I6837
Utz Pfister
Compact Chart: I6838 Apollonia ‎(Appel)‎ Pfister

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